The first number is the time. The second is the total count of course adds, drops and transfers within that ten minute slice. The rest is a little bar graph for quick comparisons.
The average busy day is about 300. Over 500 is very busy. Under 100 is light.
Enrolment Statistics for add/drop/transfer. Ten minute snapshots: 20200502:11:50 The Bar graph factor is 10. 00:00 - 70 : ------- 00:10 - 56 : ----- 00:20 - 25 : -- 00:30 - 33 : --- 00:40 - 65 : ------ 00:50 - 47 : ---- 01:00 - 37 : --- 01:10 - 31 : --- 01:20 - 37 : --- 01:30 - 20 : -- 01:40 - 20 : -- 01:50 - 40 : ---- 02:00 - 35 : --- 02:10 - 27 : -- 02:20 - 14 : - 02:30 - 26 : -- 02:40 - 32 : --- 02:50 - 26 : -- 03:00 - 17 : - 03:10 - 24 : -- 03:20 - 32 : --- 03:30 - 28 : -- 03:40 - 25 : -- 03:50 - 16 : - 04:00 - 27 : -- 04:10 - 20 : -- 04:20 - 21 : -- 04:30 - 29 : -- 04:40 - 27 : -- 04:50 - 5 : 09:40 - 2 : 18:00 - 1 : 18:10 - 2 : 18:50 - 2 : done.